Thursday 19 May 2022

19th May 2022

 Weather: WSW force 3

A very brief mid-morning visit to see what might be around after the switch to a westerly airstream, and the answer was not too much ! A single Greenland Wheatear was the sole identifiable migrant at that stage. The drake Eider was at the north end, there were 2 Whimbrel, 2 Grey Heron, 16 Turnstone, 250 Dunlin, 40 Common with 8 Sandwich Terns and 6 Little Egrets seen.

Both Kestrel and Peregrine were seen, sightings of the latter have been somewhat less predictable lately. A Cinnabar Moth flew with 2 Red Admirals and 4 Green-veined White butterflies. A second visit in the evening enabled serene pictures of the Hilbre landscape at dusk.


 Photos SRW 

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