Sunday 20 March 2022

20th March 2022

Weather: SE force 1/2 with slight mist, ESE 4 in the afternoon.

A pre-dawn start this morning heard the first Pink-footed Geese (groups of 45 and 35) also making an early start on their journey north, the first of many days ahead of the geese passing as previous years have shown. Many typical March birds arrived in the form of 2 Woodpigeon, 6 Jackdaws and 4 Canada Geese, not forgetting the small migrants: 2 Chiffchaffs, 23 Siskin, 4 Redpoll, 12 Goldfinch, House Sparrow and this striking Reed Bunting.

Wheatears are now showing on most days, there were 4 today. 


Goosander has been a frequent visitor this year, today was no exception.

Fourteen Purple Sandpipers and 11 Ringed Plover were logged.

There are thought to be 7 Rock Pipits still about the island........... 

While 2 Blackbirds seem to have taken up territory this year, with singing heard on the island.


Photos AEH & AS

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